Do you accept Euro, GBP, AUD, NZD and other currencies?

All payments with real-life currencies are automaticly converted by PayPal from your currency to USD, so you can pay with any currency. You can check estimated rate in google converter, simply google for example “GBP to usd” to get estimated prices in GBP, AUD to USD for Australian Dollars etc.

Can you do my cape via Teamviewer or Parsec?

Fire Capes are not infernal services, so sharing account for them doesn’t warrant ban.
Account sharing is allowed by Jagex’s rules, there’s no point to perform the service remotely on regular accounts.
If your account has Player Moderator status this kind of account is the only one that is checked for third-party logins. For PMods we can do an exception and perform the service remotely.
If you really want an remote service we’ll charge for it +200-250% extra fee depending on your location. (200% EU, 250% USA, Australia & New Zeland). This option is not possible for Prayerless builds as tick eating is impossible with extra delay.

What will happen if you get me defence XP on my pure?

We serve 1 Defence pures everyday.
We have a long history as RuneScape players so we know which accounts can’t get any defence XP, it’s obvious for us.
If we get you defence XP you’ll receive 250M OSRS, full refund of service and free Fire Cape run.
Please select attack style to “rapid” or “kick” while preparing for service.

Can I see any proof of that you actually get people Fire Capes

Yeah, we have huge collection of completion & Jad pets screenshots. Check out our -> gallery <-, we’re constantly adding new pictures to it from time to time.

How much does fire cape service cost?

Standard runs can be calculated instantly in our calculator.
Standard run is every account with: 50+ Ranged 50+ HP, 1+ Prayer, 1+ Defence.
Indiviudally priced requests are for ironmen and accounts under 50 Ranged / Melee or Mage capes.
Form for them is displayed in our price calculator after ticking individually priced requests. Please fill it out fully and send it to us via livechat or e-mail.

How does the Fire Cape service work ?

Fire Cape service is done by account sharing. That means providing login details is absolute must.
Service is done fully by hand, that means without using bots or any other scripts or software.
All services are performed on RuneScape Official client.
Remote service is offered only for Player moderators (without extra charge)
If remote service is a must for you we’ll do it for extra charge of 200-300% depending on your account build and location.

Are you offering any discounts?

First discount is availability to purchase just Jad (63 wave) instead of purchasing full fire cape run.

Second discount available for multiple orders for 43+ Prayer Fire Capes. It’s negotiable depending on amount of capes bought.

is for getting Jad pet in our service. If you get jad pet service will be absolutely free of charge.

How do I purchase Jad only?

Jad only can be purchased via ticking Jad only option in price calculator.
Please follow the guide to logout properly, we’ve upgraded website since this video was produced, however there are no major changes in ordering process at all.

What are chances of getting banned in RuneScape for buying Fire Cape service?

Chance is close to non existing.
We started our service in 2008 and we never got even single account into any trouble.

Over the years we mastered the art of avoiding reports/getting caught for serving people. team members aren’t just workers without background in this game, we all used to play RuneScape and OSRS for thousands of hours.

If you’ll be the first who’ll get banned for that you’re protected by insurance, which guarantees you 500M OSRS GP + full refund in case of ban

There’s no other service on this planet that offers any kind of compensation in case of ban, looks like we are the only service that is confident enough about security of our customer’s accounts!

I have bank pin, can I still buy fire cape service?

Bank pin is not required. You will never be asked for it by any of our staff.

What happens if you fail the attempt?

You are paying for fire cape, not for an attempt. You get what you buy, if service needs to be repeated it’s not your problem at all and you don’t need to pay or provide anything extra.

Do I have to prepare my own gear for Fire Cape service?

Ironmen always have to provide gear, as ironmen can’t trade.
For 1-31 Prayer accounts we use our own gear, ammo and supplies, however if your payment method is OSRS Gold purple sweets will have to be provided by you.
Amount of required sweets depends on your Ranged level, amount of required sweets is above the price in calculator.
50-60 Ranged accounts with 40+ Prayer are prepared by us free of charge.
For 61+ Ranged accounts with 40+ Prayer gear has to be provided by you or it can be provided by us for $3 extra fee.

Fire Cape service with Jagex account or authenticator enabled

Authenticator: If you’d like to keep it enabled once it’s your turn for service you’ll be notified via that what you left as “contact” while ordering.
You’ll be given 10minutes to request a chat and tell us the auth code, if you’ll be late order will be skipped.
Jagex account: Same rule applies to Jagex Launcher, on checkout page you can also provide us backup code so you don’t have to be online to be served. Keep it in mind one backup code can be used only once, it’s recommended to send 2 codes in case of re-logging in the process.

Ironman / Ultimate Ironman / Hardcore Ironman Fire Cape service

Yes, we also offer the Fire Cape service on all kind of Ironmen accounts.
Saradomin Brews and Super restores are NOT required.
You don’t need top-end gear to be served aswell.
We accept even as low gear as bone Cbow and green d’hides.
40+ Prayer and having Prayer potions is mandatory. (43+ Pray is recommended)
Every ironman is completely different so depending on your full gear setup and stats prices are individual.

Jad Pet / Tzrek-jad

Jad Pet requires a luck. If you get Jad Pet in our Fire Cape service we’ll make it even better. If you get Jad Pet with us your service will be completely free of charge and we’ll refund your payment.

If you want to hunt for a Jad Pet with us we don’t have any set price for it as it’s very rare drop and it’s usually very time consuming.
You can buy as many runs as you wish while hunting for it with us, we’ll offer you volume discount depending on your payment method and quantity of runs.

How do I order Fire Cape service with OSRS gold

You can submit an order on our website and leave GP in inventory instead of any potion of served account or contact us to pay personally.
We have account that is always prepared with extra supplies so we’ll fill missing potion.
Use the switcher in top right corner of your screen to change prices to RSGP.

What payment methods do you accept for Fire Cape service?

We currently accept:
PayPal (balance)
Credit & Debit card (checkout as guest on PayPal)
Cryptocurrency (Coinbase)
OSRS Gold – in top right corner of your screen change “USD” to “RSGP m”

Minimal stats for Fire Cape service

For 40+ Prayer accounts: 36 Ranged, 10 HP, 43 Prayer, 1 Defence, all requests with HP & Ranged lower than 50 are quoted individually

For 1-31 Prayer accounts: 50 Ranged 1 Prayer 10+ Hp, 1 Defence, all requests with HP lower than 50 are quoted individually

For Low Ranged accounts: 85+ Strength / Attack, 70+ Def or 85+ Magic, 40+ Def 43+ Prayer, melee requests are quoted individually

Ironmen are always quoted individually, we recommend atleast 50 Ranged and 43 Prayer. If it comes to gear you need atleast Bone Cbow / yew shortbow with green d’hides to be served, the higher stats and better gear you have the cheaper it gets.

How will I know my service is completed?

You will be notified via that what you left as “contact” while ordering.

Contact live chat